Anytime Fitness — Gym in Burnaby

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Anytime Fitness

Gym at 3701 Hastings St #209, Burnaby, BC V5C 2H6, Canada, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 2H6 . Here you will find detailed information about Anytime Fitness: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
    Open 24 hours
  • Tuesday
    Open 24 hours
  • Wednesday
    Open 24 hours
  • Thursday
    Open 24 hours
  • Friday
    Open 24 hours
  • Saturday
    Open 24 hours
  • Sunday
    Open 24 hours


Based on 6 reviews


British Columbia
3701 Hastings St #209, Burnaby, BC V5C 2H6, Canada, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 2H6
V5C 2H6

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About Anytime Fitness

Anytime Fitness is a UK Gym based in Burnaby, British Columbia. Anytime Fitness is located at 3701 Hastings St #209, Burnaby, BC V5C 2H6, Canada,

Please contact Anytime Fitness using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Anytime Fitness opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Anytime Fitness

  • Ryan
    Added 2016.05.28
    Management is different from when I started going there a couple years ago and since its changed hands in the people that run it it hasn't been very good. Cleanliness has gone downhill, and equipment/gym maintenance has definitely suffered. There is a machine that works glutes in isolation that is actually a very useful machine, but the cables appear to need replacing. I've noticed many times equipment just lying around the gym that management does nothing about. I understand fully that they can only control other members so much, but they don't send out notices or anything like that telling members to put stuff away after use, or stick to using one piece of equipment at a time instead of say, 3, go do their little superset training. In other words, enforce respect for other gym users since you are the ones that run the gym. There is a light fixture in a change room that has been out for months. Garbage overflows routinely. While they are nice and friendly enough they are doing a poor job of running the place.
  • Josephine
    Added 2015.11.04
    I have to start off by saying it would be one star if not for the lovely yoga instructor who remembers everyone's name after a first introduction. I've been overcharged, jumped around, it's incredibly unsanitary and the only reason I attend this place is because it's closest to my house. I've officially been a member of the Pitt Meadows location for a while now and can't believe the incredible difference in service, they've corrected all the errors made here at the North Burnaby location. I cannot recommend enough signing up at another location.
  • Lucas
    Added 2015.06.09
  • Arianna
    Added 2014.02.09
    This club has gone down hill... The trash in the washroom has been overflowing with the exact same trash for days at a time.. They have stopped replacing the sanitary paper towl dispensers that we used to wipe down equipment along with disinfectant spray and now just leave these yellow dirty rags at each paper towel dispenser that get reused over and over making the whole point of wiping down equipment for sanitation useless. The washrooms go for weeks without soap dispenser refills. And one washroom has had a drain issue for a year now and no matter how many times you complain all they do is pour some drain cleaner in it and make it slightly better for a day and your next visit is exactly the same. Instead of actually calling in a plumber or getting a drain snake to pull out all the hair and mess.
  • Angel
    Added 2014.02.01
    Clean and good layout. They have a variety of spaces available if you want a more quiet area. They also have a studio for working out where you select a program and do a follow along workout. Showers and tanning studio are also available here. Open 24 hours
  • Charlotte
    Added 2013.06.09
    I am not happy with this branch, member for a year but been here for 2 weeks only. The management should have good customer service and know how to handle their client. Having a hard time to cancel my membership so i am really not so happy about it. There are some hidden fees so stay away on this..
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